I’m working to make lives better in Pflugerville.
Mike Heath for Pflugerville
As a long-time resident and former Pflugerville City Councilman, I understand the challenges that Pflugerville faces, and the challenges that we will face in the future.
My Reason Why
When we first moved to Pflugerville, we had limited shopping choices, limited transportation options, regular electricity outages, and spotty cable and phone service. Many of the challenges we faced back then are the same challenges that we’re facing now, just different. Accelerating growth and new found prosperity are renewing Pflugerville’s challenges. Combining good schools, affordable homes, increased retail, and great parks with great people makes Pflugerville a great place to live. Growth and change will be the constant over the next decade.
To realize Pflugerville’s potential, we need disciplined leadership combined with a vision of the future to make Pflugerville a gem of a place to live here in Central Texas. This requires hard choices and an ability to prioritize the emerging needs of our community, where we can deliver public services in a well thought out manner that creates the long-term, sustainable community that we want. I want to help make the right choices where Pflugerville will be a place where my children want to continue raising my grandchildren, and that my grandchildren will want to live when they grow up. This requires someone like me who cares about the community as much as you do.

“In the last five years, I helped create and implement a strategic plan that serves as our community’s road map.”
My Background
Mike Heath is a native Texan and has been married to his wife, Gayle for more than 30 years. They moved to Pflugerville in 1994 where they have raised their children, Michael and Rachel, and has three grandkids. He beams when his granddaughter proudly says, “I’m from Pflugerville, Texas!”
Over the years, Mike has served on two of the City’s Bond Committees. After serving on the Pflugerville Bond Committee the second time, Mike knew he could help the City focus city services by developing and following a long-term strategic plan. A strategic plan will serve as our community’s road map to prioritize initiatives, resources, goals, and city operations and projects.
Mike has been instrumental in Pflugerville adopting its first Strategic Plan with performance measures to gauge the City’s progress, and is passionate about implementing policies, procedures and budgets necessary to realize Pflugerville’s potential. His goal is for the City to realize sustainable revenue sources where the City can enhance community amenities and help make Pflugerville an even better place to live. A well thought out plan can reduce taxes by growing our economy, increasing local business opportunities, maintaining and building infrastructure and optimizing city services.
Mike is President of Alliance Transportation Group, Inc. (Alliance). Mike co-founded Alliance more than 20 years ago. He is a transportation planning and analysis professional with more than 27 years of experience. Mike began his career with McCarthy Brothers Construction followed by the Texas A&M Transportation Institute, and a national consulting firm. He has a proven track record developing transportation solutions for cities, states, counties and federal agencies.
Mike is a member of the Capital Area Council of Governments, the Clean Air Coalition, American Council of Engineering Companies, American Planning Association, Real Estate Council of Austin, and the Capital Section of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, where he is a past President, Vice President, and Secretary/Treasurer. Mike is a member of Women’s Transportation Seminar, where the company has been nominated twice as one of the best employers in Austin and actively promotes women in the engineering and science fields. Alliance has been ranked in the top 50 Engineering firms in Austin by the Austin Business Journal.
Mike received both a Bachelor’s of Science in Civil Engineering and a Master’s in Business Administration from Texas A&M University. During his time in Pflugerville, Mike has coached little league baseball, youth basketball and youth soccer teams (with a lot of help from his friends). He also served as treasurer of the Pflugerville Youth Football League. He is a member of Lion’s International, whose motto is, “We serve,” and attends Pflugerville Methodist Church.
My Priorities when on Pflugerville City Council
Grow the Local Economy
I supported incentives that attract new businesses & local organizations in order to create jobs
Maintain & Build Infrastructure
I believed in establishing city and maintenance programs to protect our investments and minimizes long-term costs
Plan & Prioritize City Services
I helped develop short and long term plans to prioritize community improvements that optimize city services
Develop a Strategic Plan
I updated the City’s Strategic Plan to focus on delivering community amenities through goal creation and status reviews